I have just updated my cultural profile of the Nuer people of the Sudan. My site includes 76 profiles of peoples of Africa. I periodically update or totally rewrite these as I come across new information.
I have also continued reading, but my postings of reviews has slowed down due to many other activities competing for time. As of 20 October I have read 166 books this year. I have several reviews in draft form, and plan to post some more in the next few days. This year since I have moved to the United States, I have been reading many books on US history, culture and politics. Particularly interesting have been books about the recent phenomenon of political Christianity in the US.
You'll find my current reading list at http://orvillejenkins.com/obj/objbooks2009.html
My posted reviews, in topical order can be found here: http://orvillejenkins.com/reviews/topicindex.html